The TV series “Prespav” is an audio-visual product with an informative and educative character, which in three seasons has become the most popular show in the countrey. “Prespav” is a story about a family, running their own business of a small hotel by the lake of Prespa. Everyday situations put the characters in constant conflict following comical situations in which the audience can be recognized and mirrored.


A devised photo session was executed for the needs of the visual identity of the new campaign presenting the show. The distinctiveness and color selection of the scenography on the set was taken into consideration, which is certainly a strong side of the show. The overall result was a campaign that marked the third season with visual recognition following every communication channel, something absent in the previous seasons.


Offline campaign: poster, billboards, bus branding, greeting cards

Digital campaign: visual content for social media, web banners


Visual identity concept: Ana Stojanovska

Art director: Ana Stojanovska

TV show co-production: OXO and national broadcasting station MRTV

Advertising & PR: Denica Bojarovska